Thursday, 22 December 2011

Happy holidays!

Weekend Knack

It's been a while (2008, I think) since I did something for Belgian weekly Weekend Knack, so I was pretty surprised they asked me to come up with 2 illustrations for this week's edition: 'League of Lesbians', and 'Occupy vs. 1968'.

Monday, 19 December 2011

House C, Bruges

Illustrative interpretation of House C in Bruges by Dertien12 architects.
The shape of the house and the weather outside made me come up with brick brown and Brancusi...
(© photo: Filip Dujardin)

Thursday, 17 November 2011


A new 60's style poster for Probos: 'Look ahead, but respect the future'

Humanity to others (Ubuntu release party)

Screen print coming soon (somewhere between now and never ;-))

New book pt. 2

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Social media

How to introduce social media on the work floor.
Scoop magazine - SD Worx

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

signeren op de Boekenbeurs

Op zondag 6 november van 10.30 u. tot 13.30 u. signeer ik 'De dokter en het leger van Davy' op de stand van De Eenhoorn (stand 224). Als je wil signeer ik ook alle andere boeken ;-)

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

New book

I'm working on a new book for De Eenhoorn. Written by Brigitte Minne and hopefully published early 2012...

Nobrow 6 - The Double

I finally made it into Nobrow, the nicest looking illustration (and now also comic) magazine in the world. Nobrow 6 is all about the Doppleganger, packed with breathtaking spot colour madness and sold right here.

Feest in't Park

From 2002 until 2007 I did the posters for Feest in't Park, a world music festival in the heart of Bruges. Recently I was asked to design a 8 by 3 meter banner with the character I used in the last 4. I'm not going to show the original posters, because... well, they were made a long time ago... But I still like the shape and movement of the lady, so it doesn't look that bad at all ;-)

Boekenbeurs: the process

Because was very pleased with the outcome of the 2011 Boekenbeurs poster, they asked me to come up with a 'making of' to put on the BB Facebook profile. I thought I'd post it on my blog as well, so here it is: from rough idea to finished artwork.

The idea: a lot of books representing the stands and interior elements like doors and stairs and people doing all sorts of things with those book.

Looking for characters and their position. I was inspired by the map of the book fair to come up with the space that was needed for the title and other information.

Mixing the characters with the books.

Looking for the final composition. I added some characters and had to lose a few too. The client wanted to see all the aspects of the book fair in the illustration: book signing, lectures, workshops,...

Still moving some characters around...

The final line drawing.

Almost done.

The final artwork. I had to change a few things digitally like erasing 'boekenbeer' on one of the covers and adding a mic to the lady at the bottom.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Boekenbeurs 2011

Poster for the 75th annual Book Fair in Antwerp, I guess one of the most beautiful illustrator jobs in Belgium... Typography by the wonderful Balder Martens from De Barbaren.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Fresh #3 - Cutting Edge Illustration

'Phantoms of Wing' in Fresh #3 - Cutting Edge Illustration.

3x3 Pro Show

Phantom of Wing 'bunnyman' won gold in the 'gallery' section of this year's 3x3 Professional Show and will be published in the 2011 illustration annual!

'Autumn leaves' was also selected.


Although this one is for Humo magazine, a few weeks ago I actually went camping with my wife and kids...


I entered a pitch for a complete line of beauty products for a famous Belgian supermarket. As I expected, they weren't ready for illustration on deodorant... ;-)


Humo magazine.

Stress at work

Humo magazine.


Small painting with a little bit of gold printed on top for the 'Gold' edition of Pulp Inc. by Igepa papers.

Made By Envy expo + opening

Thanks to all the wonderful people who drank, ate and bought at the opening of my latest exhibition!